Jeanine Cohen "Why not? Autre chose"
Jeanine Cohen, Like this n°2, 2020
VERNISSAGE ON SATURDAY 14/03/2020 at 12 noon,
Atelier 34zero Muzeum is pleased to invite you to the opening of our next exhibition Why not? Autre chose, dedicated to the works of Brussels artist Jeanine Cohen on Saturday 14 March at 12 noon.
Whether she exhibits in Belgium, Portugal, France or Iceland, she often designs her exhibitions according to the location. For this new exhibition in the very atypical Atelier 34zero Muzeum in Jette, Jeanine Cohen has scrutinized, examined and weighed up the space to propose an occupation that reveals and conceals it in parallel. She has imagined several new series capable of resonating with this vast raw and rough room surrounded by small rooms, sometimes naked, sometimes heavily furnished.
Admission to the opening: 7€.
The exhibition opens on March 14 and closes on May 24, 2020.
SKO 09/01 -28/02
SKO, Confiné style, 2020
Atelier 34zero Muzeum honours SKO with a monographic and retrospective exhibition on the evolution of his creations. Jettois by adoption, the artist already known in town through his participation in Parcours d’artistes and through his personal exhibition at the Town Hall, presents a selection of works in pop and vintage tones, populated by the faces of the famous children's toy.
I invite you from 9 January 2021 at 12:00.
To welcome you, as always, you will be offered jetto-polish gustatory specialities,
accompanied by Belgian Catholic beers and various Carpathian vodkas.
We welcome you with all due respect for health and you can also have a cultural drink to take away.
Entrance price : 5€.
Atelier 34zero Muzeum
Atelier 34zero Muzeum is an independent art centre, created in 2014. Born from the ashes of the Atelier 340 Muzeum, its main mission is the study and promotion of sculpture and three-dimensional art in Belgium and abroad.
Atelier 34zero Muzeum organises 3 to 4 exhibitions a year in its own spaces as well as several events extra muros. Three types of exhibitions are organised: thematic, confrontational or comparative, and personal (retrospectives).
These are accompanied by quality publications; quadrilingual and richly illustrated catalogues, and postcards.
Opening - Tentoonstelling door de kinderen van de zomercursus
Het Atelier 34zéro Muzeum nodigt u uit voor de opening van de tentoonstelling gemaakt door de kinderen van het zomeratelier op zaterdag 27 augustus om
15 uur. De toegang is gratis en zonder reservering. Wij hopen velen van u daar te zien om het werk van onze ontluikende kunstenaars te vieren!
Met : Vic Lauwens, Leona Pjetri, Mark Piejtri, Nim Colen, Loes Gijsegom, Floor Decoodt, Lucie Vander Elst, Dora Vander Elst, Juno Ghysels, Noa Ghysels,
Alma Van der Schaaf, Flor Van der Schaaf, Melania Van Muylem, Suzanne Smets, Tayron Vierendeels.